RE: A Fundamental Question
- Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 11:31:46 -0400 (EDT)
- From: paula walter <>
- Subject: RE: A Fundamental Question
My question? I understand the concept of reform. We need to
protect people my age to make sure we have SS benifits.
What I don't understand is why so many people have SS that should
be out working. Does't anyone check on these people.
I know of a person that said as long as he was SS he would never
go back to work and then laughed. I don't think thats funny
I work two jobs so he can stay out of work. I know someone else
who is on SS and Va pays no taxes lives in a $300,000 house
and buys and sells furiture and household items and pays on
taxes. What is wrong with this picture. Thats where reform
should be put on the people that are useing us and living off
the land and pay no taxes.
I don't understand this concept at all. Who do I take this
complaint to.