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I suggest that you reread my posting. I didn't say that I did not save. I said that it was not as easy to save then using after tax dollars, and paying taxes on the returns, as it is now with tax deferred dollars and tax deferred returns (or, in the case of Roth IRA's, nontaxable returns). The point, which you apparently totally missed, is that the people who are complaining loudly about how good the present retirees have it, in comparison to themselves, should look at all of the advantages they themselves have.

Your generation may be paying more in taxes, but they are also getting more in the way of tax breaks, standard of living, infrastructure, government assistance & handouts, etc. The size of Government has grown tremendously over the years -- as a result, you have better roads, better airports, larger schools, smaller classrooms, larger sports stadiums and student loans, to name a few. And then we have welfare, Medicaid, and "student lunches" which are costly. I don't mean to say that all of these are good or even desirable, but they are the reason for your higher taxes, not seniors. Also, Congress has expanded the coverage base of Social Security to include many groups who should be covered by welfare or State disability -- that has increased the Social Security tax burden.

Stop blaming seniors for your perceived problems and wake up to the fact that you have one heck of a lot more going for you that you realize or care to admit. You have huge opportunities for savings and investment growth that can provide for a much more comfortable retirement than most of today's retirees were able to.

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