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>>>>1. There should be some mechanism for a person to be able to "wean" hemself/herself off the system over a 10 or 15 year period if they can prove they have been good stewards of the part they have some control of....i. e. 10-15% 1st five years, then to 20/25% next five years and then on and on until you reach 100% of your current contribution is going to your own 401K type account.

You are ignoring the 'social insurance' aspects of the system with this suggestion. SS accounts were designed not to be individual accounts not just because the gov't thinks you cannot invest your own money. There is also a subsidization of low wage workers in SS benefits that would be impossible with individually 'owned' accounts.

>>>>2. On federal govt. double dipping.....Would like to see all double dipping laws deleted.

You apparently aren't aware of the quirks in the SS benefits' formula that would REWARD double-dipping (i.e. you would get a higher 'rate of return' than those who spent a lifetime under SS) if it wasn't for some of these DD rules. They serve a legitimate purpose, and are not trying to 'punish' you for changing careers.

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