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SS Reform

Why is the gov't even involved in retirement planning???-Given a choice, I believe the vast majority of Americans would rather invest their retirement funds in a secure financial vehicle opposed to the current SS plan. Why can't we just allow people the opportunity to opt-out. I am willing to have the same amount taken out of my check with 10% going to "my account" and the other 2.4% going to the SS fund. Provide me with a voucher for the amount that I have contributed (or a portion of it) and allow me to invest the way I need to for the next 40 years. The people who stay in pay as they are now and the elderly are paid off as agreed. Spread the unfunded amount across the board and advise the younger generation that the can opt-out but will also have to contribute to the general fund. When I read the comments from pro SS people, its seems like they just want to create a plan for everybody. This is a country of individuals- some will aspire for more in life, and should not be punished-investing takes time- it does not mean blindly turning over 12.4% of my pay and accepting some type of return at a later date- I monitor my investments weekly- As a 30 year old I am very concerned about my retirement funds and cannot understand how some individuals would just put it on the backburner for 40 years and wake up one day and expect to collect their "dues"- Just let me out (I promise I will be good and not invest in internet stocks!!!!)

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