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Complusion: Ask and you shall receive

I can't believe what I just read by Ms. Furia.

"I believe I and my fellow citizens should be compelled by the government to contribute to a government managed pool of retirement resources not strictly earmarked and influenced by me."

Speak for yourself Lisa. I'm already complelled enough by the government. And coerced. Frankly, words like "compelled and coerced" don't have a place in a discussion about American values, the Consitution and the Declaration of Independence. They don't belong in the same conversation when speaking of liberty and justice for all. I'm sorry, Lisa, I think you may be spending too much time in third world countries.

Think back, way back, to why this country was founded. Complusion and coercion. Our forefathers were sick and tired of it. Now, you are asking for it - openly - and on behalf of every other American citizen. Please, stop doing me these "favors".

If I want that kind of government, there are plenty out there that I can move to. So can you. But this is America. Home of the free. That means free from government intervention, coercion and complusion.

Have a nice day.

Richard Arnold

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