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Social Reform as National Priority

   The United States of America must make universal health care
and long-term care national priorities. A national pension
program must be developed that will cover all citizens at a
level greater than a small suppliment to some other means of
retirement income.
   We, as a people, must have living-wage jobs available for
the vast majority of our citizens to pay for these PRIORITIES.
We must return to manufacturing 90% of our goods/services as we
did in 1973.
   Federal tax law must be revised causing corporations to 
contribute some 40% of our total Federsal Revenue Pool. We
should use tariffs for at least 10% of this Pool rather than 
using Social benefits taxes to operate government on a daily
basis. Progressive indexed taxes to at least a 70% effective
level must be installed AGAIN, with all financial wealth being
   As it is now 86% of our financial wealth is sheltered from 
Federal Taxes; corporations and the wealthy do not pay their 
fair share of the total Federal Revenue Pool.
   The majority of this nation does or would support the
above positions if broadcast licenses were taken away from
multinational corporations, foreign nationals such as Murdoch
and Moon. Laws must be restored preventing these great
corporations from buying up a monopoly of publishing houses,
newspapers of all circulation sizes, movie industry, periodicals,
cable TV, satellite TV, etc. In short our mainstream thinking
is corporate mainstream thinking and not grass roots thinking.
Mind control is the corporate objective.
   Our Congress is bought and paid for by corporations, and 
essentially we have just one political party. We do not have a 
Republic as a result, but we do have an Oligarchy.
   Submitting a bibliography here would be a waste.
          Frank L. Green  fax: 352-854-7912

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