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Charles Ponzi is rolling in his grave

In 1935, President FDR signed the bill that created Social Security. This was an idea that was "stolen" from Charles Ponzi, inventor of the Ponzi Scheme. You know the scheme where people are promised high investment returns, and those returns are paid by getting more people into the scheme. Well, eventually it met it's end, and Mr. Ponzi went to jail for it.
(Note: After Mr. Ponzi was released from jail, he returned to his native Italy, and served as an economic advisor to Mussolini.)
Now, here's the question for everyone who wishes to answer. If it's illegal for a citizen to have such a "program" to provide for retirement, on what moral authority does the government have to provide the same thing for which it is illegal for individual citizens to do?
Most of the discussion that I've seen doesn't touch this basic prinicple. If I've missed it, then I'm sorry. But I truly think this question needs to be addressed, and answered.

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