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Mr. Grazier: Please point out some of the "DIS and MIS" information being perpetrated by the privatizers. Can you point out specific items that are wrong and why? Please point out the facts that are being "disregarded" by the privatizers.

I just have a hard time understanding why you are so fearful of letting people have the freedom to keep their own money and use it to provide for their own retirement. I'm sure you've worked hard for your money, shouldn't you get to keep it?

And what do we have to lose from privatization if the government still provides a safety net as all of the serious privatization plans do? If the safety net is structured so that the government will make up the difference between what the investment provides and what the benefit would have been with plain Social Security, then government expenditures will only go down. At worst, it will pay the same amount as it does now. At best, the investments will perform so well that the government won't have to pay anything. I believe that second case is very likely to happen.

Mark Gibb

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