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RE: Unfunded Liabilities and General Revenues

Dear Ms. Weaver,

You are a breath of fresh air. The issue of using general federal income taxes to fund a transition to a fully funded retirement system is one that I have tried to raise in various locations over and over again.

I am sick and tired of people saying that we cannot divert more than 2% of payroll to private accounts because the rest of the payroll tax is needed to pay current benefits. When I hear this argument, my mind automatically says "Here is a person who is content to place the burden of the failure of the current system on younger, poorer persons instead of sharing this burden - a burden of our nation as a whole - with all Americans based on their ability and responsibility on a progressive tax basis.

Largely, even raising the issue of using general taxes has seemed to break some unspoken taboo. Apparently, some topic forums even refuse to post such thoughts. You are the first person to really address the issue.

Thank you.

Walter Hart

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