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Where do we go from here?

OK, we all want the new & improved SS system to 
be fully funded.  How do we get there from here
and maybe accomplish some of our other goals.

I submit, based on prior references I've
posted, that the amount of funds we need
to come up with in additional to the approximate
balance of the SS funds currently of $1 Trillion
(in Gov. Bonds), is about $7 Trillion.  What's
the Method of Finance:

  (a) reduce COLAs,
  (b) Means Tests as the Concord Coalition suggest,
  (c) raise FICA taxes,
  (d) how about this, the Democrats will like this,
      dedicate 100% of the Death tax proceeds to 
      Social Security, that fight would be fun to watch!
  (e) We've already talked about asset allocations here,
      but I doubt that puts a big dent in the money we
      need to raise,
  (f) etc... what other convoluted ideas can we come 
             up with!
  (g) how long will it take to get to $7 Trillion,
  (i) etc...etc...etc... on other what-ifs...

This forum is about to close down and although I'd
like to respond to Mr. R on his latest post -- especially
on my request of econometric results to support his
theory of net benefits being passed on to the next
generation thanks to SS transfer payments.  From
Lexington & Concord to Gettysburg and WWI each of these
generation somehow managed to pass its particular
test in their appointment with destiny without the 
benefit of Social Security.  Of all previous generations,
the *Greatest* Generation, the ones we truly owe,
was the first one who pledged their lives, fortunes, and
sacred honor to establishing this country dedicated
to the ideal of human freedom.  George Washington, 
imperfect to be sure, DID turn down the chance
to be King of the United States --- do we have such
leaders with us today in the White House? in Congress?
Are we here to debate how to squander the ideals of human 
freedom, not freedom from neccessities of life as the liberals 
would define freedom, over a few basis points in our 
rate of return on SS if we let the government take
care of us rather than do it ourselves?  Has the 
government proven itself to be so trustworthy?  
And lastly, isn't our representative government really 
just a reflection of the citizens?  Have we not met the 
enemy and he is us?  We would be wise to consider our 
on weakness for self-dealing when it comes to "debts"
future generations should owe us.

Enough of my soap box --- I prefer just to move on.    
Moreover, since my Questions to Members of Congress has 
resulted in such good responses from Senators Gregg and 
Santorum that I'm feeling fairly good and don't want to 
quibble anymore.  The Senators went a bit further than I 
had thought politicians would go. I'm simply going to declare 
victory.  I urge those on *my side* of the debate to ask 
questions of the Members, be direct but be civil, respectful, 
and base your questions on facts.  Its OK to be rough and 
tumble in this technical forum to test out your ideas or to 
"focus group" your pitch; however, the delivery to 
Congress needs to be perfection and grace.  To you on
the *other side* of the debate, please go ahead and be 
very emotional and as mean & nasty as you want to be 
in your questions/comments!!!!

I'd prefer to take this time just to ask both our experts, 
Mr. R. and Ms. W., for all of us nerds out here, do you 
have Excel worksheet model(s) that has some of the above 
parameters built into it (and others variables you play with) 
that you would be willing to share with us?  The people 
organizing this debate could put the models on their web 
page to be downloaded by those interested.  If you need 
to put a lot of disclaimers and distance between you and 
the models, that's OK.  This might be an opportunity to
get out to the public, at least the geeks like us out 
here, models constructed by the recognized SS experts.  

If I don't happen to post anymore here I'd like to go ahead
and express my thanks to the Bob and Weave for their efforts 
in this most excellent debate and discussion.  Thank You!

"Bart Simpson" Ridgeway

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