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RE: Second bipartisan proposal - Gregg/Breaux

Questions about this proposal:

* Why don't current and near term retirees share in some of
the cuts in the current system? Since this plan will code 
into law a breaking of the promise for my future benefits,
why don't these workers share in the cuts?
* As a younger worker, why do I have to pay more for the
benefits you promised me under this program. Are you breaking
the promise? Specifically: increasing the retirement age, and 
increasing the payroll wage cap. My investment return will go 
more negative under this program for the portion of taxes 
outside the investment account.
* Where will the money come from to pay for the low-income
account contribution? Will this come from general revenues?
* Why is the investment account mandatory? Why can't I simply
take this money as a tax cut. I don't trust the government will
actually give me ownership of this account, without strings.
If I truely OWN this money, I should be able to not contribute
to the account.
* Will this proposal solve the total problem? Will you need
to come back in 15 years to raise my taxes again or lower
my benefits because of the baby boomer mass retirement?
What guarantee can you give me that my benefits won't be reduced
again in the future?


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