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Voter education

  • Archived: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:30:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:14:44 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Byron Bagnell <>
  • Subject: Voter education
  • X-topic: Introductions

Rod Cameron and I have carried on a short exchange 
directly via e-mail. 

At his suggestion I am including an edited portion of my 
communication to him. It should be self explanitory for those 
of you who care to read it.

The broucher being discussed is distributed with the 
newspapers via the carriers, it is available in all libraries, 
and as I recall directly from the State Lt. General?s office via 

It seems to me that this procedure could be expanded to 
cover local elections if the local citizens wished it and would 
care to finance it.


Additionally, a few weeks before election day, the State 
Government publishes a brochure that includes a short bio. 
of each candidate for state or federal office. The bio. 
includes a few words regarding what the candidate 
considers to be of major concern. Included are telephone, 
FAX, e-mail, and USPS address for each candidate with an 
invitation to contact them directly for more information if 

If this information is missing from the brochure it is because 
the candidate failed to furnish it by the publication date.

The brochure also contains a thorough discussion of any 
ballot initiatives that are being offered and is widely 
distributed and readily available to anyone who wants it. I 
have found it to be very helpful and one of my chief

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