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Money & running

  • Archived: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 16:06:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 15:22:08 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Cindy O'Connor <>
  • Subject: Money & running
  • X-topic: Introductions

Here is another perspective-one that really brought me up short 
when I ran for a state legislative office. I was in a 3-way 
primary race, the only woman.  Right at the end of the race, 
money was very tight, and we were worried that we would not be 
able to affort our media buy.  At the last possible minute, a 
school employee's union called with the announcement that they 
wanted to give me $5000, with the promise of an equal amount if I 
won the primary.  I can't tell you the feelings of gratitude I 
had for this group.  Now, what really bothered me was 1) those 
feelings and what they meant to my future dealings with these 
people, and 2) how had they decided on me?  When I asked the last 
question, they said I was a "good candidate", but I knew I got 
the contribution because the State Assembly Speaker had told them 
to do it.  Money for candidates is controlled by other forces 
than we think.  Being a "good candidate" is a definition that 
needs to be examined.  I knew it meant that I would be there when 
called upon, and was greatly disturbed by that reality.  
Fortunately, (?!) I lost the general election, so never had 

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