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RE: Campaign contributions

  • Archived: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 00:14:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 22:58:16 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Cindy O'Connor <>
  • Subject: RE: Campaign contributions
  • X-topic: Choice 1

I haven't been able to participate the last day, but have some ideas I would like to pose. I believe that there is a link between voter apathy and the sense that we cannot affect the outcome of political decisions. A case in point is the news this week about relaxing of regulations regarding CO2. I am politically active, and yet I have this overwhelming feeling that there is almost nothing I can do about important issues. Winners set the rules, and the rest of us go along.

You asked if the infringement of my right to contribute money to my party or candiate is a small price to pay, etc. I really want to be able to support my candidates. Some of my support will be in the form of cash. But there is another way I can support, and that is my time. Stuffing envelopes is a valuable contribution. Walking precincts, talking to neighbors, having a coffee, repesenting my candidate at meetings (admittedly an earned privilege) is a contribution. I dislike comments that we should do things the "good old way", and recognize that time has taken on a new value, but I still believe that when we give time, we have given as important a committment as money.

This is a really undeveloped idea, but is there some way to create more value for time? This is one of those ideas that really needs a group discussion. So many of us have this sense that individuals have no voice, and yet, we have what no other entity can give. And by making this contribution, we gain access and empowerment that we know money buys. The obligation/loyalty factor that I cited previously is as great in the hearts of elected officials as for those who give money. I know.

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