
A project of the EPA, Information Renaissance and the Environmental Law Institute

Libraries as a Community Resource for Environmental Information



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Quick Comments Results: Sept. 28

What do you think the EPA got out of the Dialogue?:

  • Awareness of interest on the part of the public; awareness how well-informed many people are about environmental issues.
  • A lot of information about how they can improve their website. Honest feedback from very knowledgable and caring citizens. Ideas for new programs and collaborations with libraries and community groups.
  • I believe that I received a better understanding of EPA issues.
  • Hopefully, some helpful criticism and a drawer-full of information which needs to be analyzed, sorted and then spark some activity and changes. I am glad that EPA feels confident enough about its mission to be open to new ideas and share viewpoints. I am sure that is not always easy, especially when some of the feedback is negative. But it shows me that EPA has a healthy attitude and a democratic spirit.
  • We'll see from their responses. It's been a very worthwhile exercise. The challenge now is to develop new or enhanced collaborations and/or delivery mechanisms to get reliable information from the agency and other sources to the public in a manner that meets their needs.
  • Even more input than expected. Many good ideas, questions and a broader picture of the roles of libraries. A message to work with still more partners and to work harder at cross media coordination of information. A number of information policy questions and suggestions re: information forms; data and its quality, access, timeliness; website content and navigability and much more to share with key individuals across the Agency. A new network of concerned individuals to consult with in the future. Lots of additional topics that I wish appropriate host organizations could explore using the dialogue technique.
  • Less sleep than they usually get. I hope they found the dialogue extremely interesting and worthwhile. I think time will tell on that. I am a little disappointed in some EPA folks that seemed to check in once in the beginning and never returned to participate in the discussion.
  • EPA has an outline for developing new directions toward improving access.
  • I think they heard that while they have done a good job so far, there is need for better, more timely, more efficient access to their information. I think they learned the need for better information resources sharing and working in interagency networks not only within the federal government, but with individual states and local jurisdictions. I hope they got a sense of the need for providing funds to libraries to carryout some of the programs, services, data and information products, and publications that are needed to better inform and empower our libraries and their users. Most of all, I would like to see by next year the EPA issuing a Request for Proposals beginning with Fiscal Year 2002 for libraries to have a dedicated pool for grants of up to $250,000 for two-year projects to allow libraries to build collections, provide services, obtain training, share resources and develop the expertise to address the environmental and energy conservation needs of the communities they serve. I would like to see this happen in 100 rural, tribal, suburban, and urban settings over say a five year period. We need to have dreams! Good job by EVERYONE who participated and contributed to this effort. It was fun... Fred Stoss University at Buffalo
  • I can't answer that. Government has a way of not acting on matters brought to their attention. The appearance of listening often is is good enough.
  • IT's hard to say for sure..only time will tell what the EPA got out of the dialogue..I would hope they digest the many intelligent and well thought out ideas.. from lets say ..both sides of the fence..and the first thing they and their partners should do is to tear down that fence and plant those seeds of information for all.
  • The usual miscellany of "that'd be nice" suggestions.
  • Action items. Public perception of EPA's strenghts and weaknesses. The all important fact that the public want and need environmental info in a timely, cost-effective, and user friendly format. ideas for community partnerships and sites willing and ready to embark on same. Sites, such as ours, that would be interested in serving as pilot programs.
  • I hope they heard the many concerns of their patrons for increased speed and an insurance of accuracy in the information they produce & provide. What I hope they did not get out of it was a sense that they should be the interpreters of the data they amass -- I strongly feel that is not the role of government. Further, I hope EPA sees in the Dialogue participants some future partners within the library world and in a wider context of information distribution.
  • I tihnk one of the main things is participation from a wide variety of people and organizations. I haven't gotten through all the discussion yet, but sense that you should have a better understanding of how libraries can be helpful, as well as a lot of dialogue on what's needed on your web site.
  • I hope that EPA got input as to what communities want/need and how they can better provide this information. However, most proposals seemed to require funding and/or reassignment of personnel, which makes accomplishing this goal more difficult.
  • ??
  • The need to provide more data in a more accessible format.
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