TIP: Biographies and "snippets"
Tony Salso has made a couple of suggestions that we would like to respond to. First, he suggests you use a signature line to say who you are. We don't recommend this, for two reasons. Signature lines that are long enough to say much tend to clutter up messages. However, there is a built in way to get to know a little about each other. For any message author who sent in information during registration to share with the group, the name at the top of a message is highlighted in blue. Clicking on the name (link changes color) brings up a popup window with the "biography." Second, Tony suggests that when you are replying to a message, you might include a "snippet" from the original message. That is, copy a few words from the original message and paste them into your text. This helps others understand your message at a glance, without looking up the original. Including too much means it takes longer for readers to get to your comment, so snippets should be short, but they are a great idea! Thanks Tony for posting these points! More information about Using the Web siteis also available. John Ford, Moderator |