US:PA-3: Week Three - compiling a list of essential resources

Week Three - compiling a list of essential resources

Bob Carlitz (
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 11:54:31 -0400

In the present week let's try to identify ongoing resources that
Pennsylvania schools and libraries will need to make the Universal
Service discount program a success.  I can think of a few, which
I'll list below.  Please add others that you regard as important.
The following list is structured as a set of necessary resources
and activities, with a number of questions associated with the
implementation of each item.

	1- Authoritative information on implementation of the
	Universal Service discount program in Pennsylvania.
		- Where should it reside?  The PaPUC Web site
		  is one possibility, but is this practical?
		- Who will maintain it?
		- How frequently will it be updated?

	2- Application forms and step by step procedures.  So
	far the FCC has not released its application forms or
	defined the specific procedures it will require.  We 
	can deduce the general format likely to be provided 
	from materials in the US:PA Resource Library.
		- Applicants will need step by step information 
		  to guide them through the procedure. 
		- Can the PA Department of Education make 
		  this material available?  
		- Who will handle this task and how 
		  expeditiously will it be taken care of?

	3- Automated application procedures.  Many seminar
	participants are concerned about the complexity
	of the program. Once the program has been fully
	specified by the FCC it should be possible to produce 
	an automated application procedure.
		- Who will provide such a mechanism? 
		- Who will authenticate applications 
		  produced by this mechanism?

	4- Cooperative involvement of the telecommunications 
	providers.  The way the Universal Service discount 
	program is structured, delays in the processing of 
	applications mean a loss of money (in the form of lost 
	discounts) for Pennsylvania's schools and libraries. 
		- Who will notify all schools and libraries
		  of the existence of the program?
		- How does one learn what services are available?
		  The FCC provides for a public bid mechanism,
		  but how does a given school or library know
		  what services might be available in their area?
	 	- What assurances do schools and libraries have 
		  that telecommunications providers will help 
		  to expedite the application process?
		- Will the PaPUC monitor the process to make sure 
		  that telecommuncations providers are not
		  intentionally delaying implementation?  
		- Who will the PaPUC designate to handle this task?
		- How can schools and libraries contact this person 
		  when they have problems with their applications?

Please contribute to this list and to the Frequently Asked
Questions list.  We will endeavor to communicate all topics
raised to the PaPUC and the PA Department of Education, and
we will work to provide answers to all questions submitted
to the FAQ.

Bob Carlitz