US:PA-1: Assignment #1

Assignment #1

Thu, 18 Sep 1997 16:32:28 -0400 (EDT)

In 25 words or less:

Most pressing needs: infrastructure development, training, on-going 
technical assistance, funds for initial equipment purchases and upgrades, 
and a reallotment of time/responsibilities to take advantage of new 
information learning strategies.

School/library difference: libraries are life-long learning centers and 
information supermarkets serving the broadest of clientele; K-12 schools 
are much more focused; schools directly benefit from taxing authority; few 
libraries or county library systems in Pennsylvania enjoy that circumstance
, unfortunately--it takes enlightened and gutsy elected public officials to 
levy taxes for libraries. And so, libraries are grossly underfunded.

Rural vs. urban: Pennsylvania is, I believe, the state with the largest per 
cent of rural residents. In many areas I suspect that state-of-the-art 
telecommunications systems are not available; quick and convenient access 
to actual locations (buildings) is limited in rural areas; public 
transportation systems do not exist in rural areas; distance learning can 
be a boon to rural areas, PROVIDED the technical infrastructure to deliver 
it is in place, as well as appropriate physical space.