US:PA-1: Re: Assignment for Week One

Re: Assignment for Week One

dennis haggerty (
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 16:41:39 -0400 (EDT)

In the spirit of participation, here are my thoughts.
> 	1) What are the one or two most pressing needs of
> 	   your PA school or library for the implementation
> 	   of effective and sustainable telecommunications
> 	   programs?

	At the risk of being another voice with similar tones, $$.
However, along with the money leadership is needed.  We have people in
decision making positions who, by their own admission, know little about
technology or the up/down side of telecommunications.  The internet is not
a be all or end all, but it seems to be here to stay (for a while anyway).
Today I spoke with a person in a communication department of a major
pennsylvania organization who hasn't been to a website yet.  It seems
education of the educator/administrators is in order.  Then let the
taxpayers into the mix, since they will ultimately pay for the technology.

> 	2) How do the needs of schools and libraries differ,
> 	   and how are they complementary?

	Libraries serve a much larger community than the schools do, hence
they should get resources commensurate with their charge.  Schools are a
training ground where we are assisting people in their attempt to learn to
live with the modern society and society's tilt toward high-tech
communications.  They (schools and libraries) can dovetail in their
positions as places in the public mind that are associated with knowledge.

 > 	3) How do the needs of rural schools and libraries
 > 	    differ  from those of schools and libraries in
> 	   urban areas?
	Rural schools and libraries are geographically isolated from other
resources and probably have a greater need for the technology.  Urban
areas have more resources available at shorter physical distances, thus
affording the urban populationmore choices as to where they will use the
technology.  Of course, this all depends on accepting my previous premise
that libraries and schools should be the hubs of societal

gotta go
denny h.