Re: I-Net/Statement of Principals/It is Here
- Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 08:37:23 -0500
- From: (webster)
- Subject: Re: I-Net/Statement of Principals/It is Here
Well put. I couldn't agree more.
Keep up the good work!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerry Balbier <>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 6:36 PM
Subject: RE: I-Net/Statement of Principals/It is Here
> Tim,
> As you know, the I-Net Working Group is basically a bunch of volunteers
> dedicated to finding a voice in the cable franchise negotiations for
> schools, libraries and community-based organizations. The collective
> voice of the Working Group has made an impact on the cable contract
> negotiations.
> Nothing gets done when we sit on the side lines waiting for the perfect
> model of civic engagement. The I-Net Group has stepped to the plate and
> taken action. The leadership and cooperation I have seen over the last 6
> months just on this issues suggests that we can accomplish much more on a
> larger scale. We are currently negotiating a telecommunications package
> for schools, liberties and cbo's to share infrastructure, offer free hook
> ups to dedicated high bandwidth, open access to learning content;
> planning and budgeting. I would hate think of what we would get if we
> stuck with the language in the contract that the City announced in late
> November.
> I know that this is only a beginning, but do you really think any of this
> would have happen without the effort of the 70 groups that have
> participated in the process facilitated and supported by the I-Net
> Working Group?
> Gerry