Darcy Olsen's research interests include child care, education,
health care, welfare, and Social Security issues. In particular,
she studies the ways entitlements affect women, children and the
poor. Before assuming her present position at Cato, Olsen worked
for three years as a transitional house manager and drug counselor
for the D.C. Coalition for the Homeless and was managing editor of
Regulation magazine. She is a frequent guest on television and
radio programs nationwide and has appeared on the Today show, NBC
nightly news, and CNN. Her articles and editorials have been
published in a variety of newspapers, magazines, and journals
including Investor's Business Daily and the Journal of Commerce.
Olsen holds a bachelor's degree from the School of Foreign Service
at Georgetown University and a master's degree in international
education from New York University.
Selected publications:
"The Advancing Nanny State: Why the Government Should Stay Out of
Child Care," Cato Institute Policy Analysis (1997)
"Greater Financial Security for Women with Personal Retirement
Accounts," Cato Institute Briefing Paper (1998)
"Universal Pre-School is No Golden Ticket: Why the Government Should
Not Enter the Pre-school Business," Cato Institute Policy Analysis