National Dialogue
Women and Minorities

Heidi I. Hartmann, Ph.D.

Institute for Women's Policy Research

Heidi Hartmann is the Director of the Washington-based Institute for Women's Policy Research, a scientific research organization on policy issues of importance to women. Hartmann founded IWPR in 1987 as a non-profit organization to meet the need for women-centered, policy-oriented research. IWPR works with policy makers, scholars, and organizations around the country to design, execute , and disseminate research findings that illuminate policy issues affecting women and families. Hartmann also chairs the National Council of Women's Organizations Task Force on Social Security. She has participated in numerous forums, panels, debates, and other events regarding the issue of Social Security reform and its impact on women. She has also submitted testimony for the Ways and Means Committee hearing on Social Security. Prior to founding IWPR, she was the Director of the Women's Studies Program at Rutgers University, a member of the graduate faculty at the New School for Social Research, and a staff member at the National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences. In 1994, Dr. Hartmann was the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship Award for her work in the field of women and economics.

Hartmann has co-authored several reports at IWPR including The Impact of Social Security Reform on Women with Dr. Diana Zuckerman and Dr. Lois Shaw, Unnecessary Losses: Costs to Americans of the Lack of Family and Medical Leave, Women's Access to Health Insurance, Combining Work and Welfare: An Alternative Anti-Poverty Strategy, and several journal articles including "Pay Equity and Women's Wage Increases: Success in the States, A Model for the Nation," and "A Welfare Reform Based on Help for Working Parents."

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