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Why Reform Now?

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Reform Now

The younger generation are hearing all the problems with Social
Security that they don't think it will be around for them and it is
a waste of their money.  The are being trained to have 401k plan
by their employer and also have IRA or Roth IRA.  This means the
Congress is writing off Social Security as a benefit as the young
people will revolt and it will disappear or gandfather for a few.
This is why we must show them that it here to stay and they would obtain
benefits just as their parents will.  This is why we must act now 
to reform it.  As some Gen X doesn't want and they will putting 
their voice to phase it out.  People will say that they have a 401k
plan and IRA and that should cover us in old age.  The bottom line
is the youth have been taught this on the job and as their voting
numbers increases so will Congress change over the next decade
and might not want to keep as the generational will be to strong to
keep it.  This is the window of opportunity don,t throw it away.

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