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The Albanian Solution

It looks like the bombing of Serbia might have solved the Social Security deficit problem already. All we have to do is take enough short term refugees to fill all the help wanted signs at fast food joints in the country. Then send them home after 6-8 years with McDonald franchise papers in their pockets and a head full of experience. Even the ones that stay long enough to qualify for minimum Social Security pensions will have contributed more then they will take away. On average, they will have worked only half a qualifying time filling the most low paid and undesireable jobs. This will nicely cover for the birth shortage during the years after the introduction of the birth control pill.

Back during the cold war there was a substantial flow of economic immigrants back and forth from Eastern Europe. There were prosperous little enclaves of returning escapees in all the old communist countries. People could retire in their native environment on even minimum U. S. Social Security checks and dollar savings in relative prosperity. The governments were happy to take them back for the sake of the steady hard currency flow.

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