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RE: Financing of Social Security-Progressive or Class Rigidifying?

True wealth is rarely a function of income attributable to earned

An excellent post.

How is it that as large a social insurance/ social welfare program as
Social Security asks so little from a very priveliged section of the

Let's hope that we never see a solution which taxes the "wealthy"
on their unearned income to fund the retirement benefits of others. This policy would be the wrong direction.
Part of any reform solution should be to enable everyone to have access to
the same "tools" of wealth generation as the wealthy have.

In other words, we should design policy which enables people
to become wealthy, not policy which confiscates wealth on behalf
of those who do not accumulate it.

"There is a high degree of risk the plan would lead over time to a
substantial weakening of support for Social Security....

Support for Social Security is already weak in direct proportion
to how many years until your retirement. For people under 35,
the program is as good as dead.


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