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RE: "GenXer" sez: "Hi, Pro-Corporate Pigs!"

Finally, a so-called "GenXer" who has been fighting weasels like 
your organization for years, and who is a working guy from 
Boston, I can also say that all the little weaselets your group 
flushes out on the Internet (and in business schools everywhere)
who inevitably claim to speak for the tens of millions of 
working people in their age group, don't. Most of these types
are rich kids anyway. Born on third base, and think they hit
a triple, as we say up here. . .

Nope. I came from a family that was borderline poor.
Rich or not, I believe that anyone can be successful. And
it does not have to realized on the backs of people who
have already made it.

Particularly the techo-libertarian junior corporate types who 
inhabit dark corners of the Web like this one.

This does sound like me, oddly enough. Hmm.. techno-libertarian.
It would make a good political party.

To these sell-outs
I can only say. . ."Hey, otaku boyz, come back to me in 30 years
--when you've been downsized and replaced by young weasels like
your current selves--and they we'll talk about how bad and 
horrible Social Security is."

Rich, poor, or in the middle everyone can get wealthy using the
power of compounding over time. In 30 years time, I will likely
be celebrating at least 15 years of retirement. All because
I understand how to create and compound wealth. AND, it will
have happened without punishing people who are already wealthy.

Think about this. I won't have to work anymore. And you will
be paying for my retirement 30 years from now year after year 
through your payroll taxes in this "successful" retirement
program. I will be paying no payroll tax because I won't need 
to be realizing "earned" income.

If I don't see you in 30 years, I just want to say thanks.


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