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RE: "GenXer" sez: "Hi, Pro-Corporate Pigs!"

>>>>> J.P. Wrote:
Garbage goes here!!!

J.P. provides a very insightful look at the minds behind the status
quo.  There is no real economic to back up the current system, so
as a last resort, they will start insulting and making unfounded
allegations about what goes on here and around the country.

I guess he never asked for the ADSS pamphlet on SS, I just handed
it off to another taxpayer american.  Basically all unbiased
information mostly on status quo fixes, very little privatization
information.  So where does JP gets the information that "corporate
pigs" are behind all this? Perhaps, without getting informed he
knows better than us!  which makes you think, what are his(their)

Unfounded claims about a failed system amount to nothing more than
propaganda, and propaganda we all know cannot be trusted.  So, I
hope that people out there still clinging to the idea, in good
faith as it may be, of patching the current system, realize that
people on your side are mean-spirited and posses no real economic
data to back up this failing system of ours.

It is time to move on, and provide all workers the freedom and
security in our retirement away from government dependence, and
our innocent and helpless children a future with no debts accrued
by us and the irresponsible policies of the past.  Privatization
will do this by ending the practice of shifting debt to future
generations by self-serving politicians and policies, protecting
current retirees and baby boomers by guaranteeing their benefits,
and fully-funding our retirements and that of our children and

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