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Impressive Consensus


I am very impressed by the level of consensus the four of you have
developed in looking at both the President's and the Archer/Shaw
proposals.  Our poll data and forums have reflected a parallel
consensus among the citizens on the same issues.

I have two questions for you to consider.

1)  Given the level of consensus the four of you have reached, but
acknowledging that strong differences of opinion exist within both
parties regarding these plans, what issues will have to be explored
to move from these differences to consensus?

2)  On Wednesday, Representative Thurman stated, "The key, I believe,
is to hold open and bipartisan hearings in the Ways and Means
Committee on the leading Social Security reform proposals (e.g.,the
President's plan, the newly released Archer/Shaw proposal, etc)."

Yesterday, Representative Hulshoff stated that partisanship should
be set aside to develop the "consensus necessary to save Social
Security for future generations."

a)  Do all of you agree that open and bipartisan hearings should
be a next step toward reforming Social Security?

b) As you know, the public expresses bipartisanship as one of its
strongest values on how Social Security reform should be handled.
What can be done to set partisanship aside to reach consensus in

Carolyn Lukensmeyer
Executive Director
Americans Discuss Social Security

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