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I'm currently waiting for my Administrative Law Judge decision to be written. I lost my job 6/15/97, unsuccessfully tried to work on my own, applied for SSDI 1/9/98 and have been slowly plodding through the system ever since. I was forced to declare bankruptcy last year due to no income. The worst insult is that I had to hire a lawyer to assist me in appearing before the ALJ. The ALJ is reported to be the most conservative in our area. He asked me a few questions, asked his medical expert a few questions and told us we would have a favorable decision.

The problem is, I have a combination of diseases and medications all of which contribute to my disability. Everyone agrees that I can only sustain gainful activity for an hour or two at a time. But, nowhere below the ALJ appeal can these things be considered. So, I'm stuck facing financial ruin while things slowly grind through the process.

I'm also struck with the irony of having to "sue" SSDI, my insurance company, to pay the benefits that are due me. Sure, I get back benefits. But, If I were paid back benefits plus penalty and interest (like with the IRS), I imagine decisions would be made in a more timely manner. Or, if the ALJ rules in the claimants favor, SSDI should pay the cost of representation, rather than deducting it from back benefits.

Lastly, the criteria of $300-$500 for evidence of gainful employment is ludicrous! I was a very successful salesman with a family of 5, 3 are nearing college age. I'm also very proud, and feel like I can still contribute, however small, to my family. But, I have the option: try to work a couple hours per week, and risk losing both the SSDI income and medicare; or sit around and get depressed because I have nothing left to contribute. (Yes, my illness is permanent and progressive, so the trial period is meaningless to me.)

Thank You for taking the time to listen.

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