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Why Reform Now?

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Why Reform Now: It's my money

Congress Members:

When Congress passed Social Security in 1935, a House committee stated in its report on the bill: "We can't ask support for a plan that is not at least as good as any American could buy from a private insurance company. The very least a citizen should expect is to get his money back upon retirement."

I ask you now to ask yourselves the same question. Can you ask us to support any reforms that are not at least as good as we can get in the private market? If not, why should we be forced into anything less? This just does not make good sense.

Today's Social Security program does not work. Plain and simple. Private enterprise does. This does not mean that I am advocating that you make it possible for our governement to get into the investing business. Don't even think along those lines.

The Cato Institute alternative plan can work. Study it, work with these people, listen to the majority of Americans that want control over their retirment funds and the ability to invest on their own. Eliminate this insane regressive tax. Make some tough choices for a change. It might not help your politcial career, but it will sure help America's children and grand children.

Richard Arnold

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