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RE: Tax Rate Change

>>>>>>>>> Louie Giambattista wrote:
One thing we must remember is that not all income is subject to a
Social Security taxes. How about this change?

Make all income subject to Social Security taxes and reduce the
rate as much as possible so that it generates the same tax revenue
as today.

At least this would certainly lighten the tax load on the people
with the lowest income.

If a flat income tax is better then maybe a flat social security
tax is also.
A revenue neutral solution like this, does nothing to address the demographic problem of SS. Throwing more money into the problem by taxing everybody on every penny they make will not solve the problem either because more money going into the trust fund means that politicians will have an expanded pool of money for their self-serving spending. What is needed is a fully-funded system that generates wealth, individual responsibility, and the freedom and security that dependence on government cannot provide beneficiaries. Contrary to these desired features, the current SS generates greater debt, dependence, and the insecurity of not knowing with certainty that benefits will be available.

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