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Re: New Retirement Accounts

>From: Bill Larsen

>>>>Had OASI taxes not increased, there would have been no cry for reduced FEDERAL TAXES and the deficits on the GENERAL EXPENDITURE side would not have occurred. DEFICITS IN SOCIAL SECURITY WOULD HAVE BEEN HUGE.

WRONG. The last major tax reductions (in the early 80's) were a direct result of Reagan's campaign promises in 1980. This happened BEFORE THE FICA INCREASE. The FICA tax increase was not even proposed till 1983, after in the income tax reductions were enacted. Since the FICA increase, the two major income tax changes (not counting the 1986 revenue neutral tax reform) were TAX INCREASES to reduce the deficits. Reality is the very opposite of what you are claiming.

>>>>It would take a tax increase of $10 Trillion in 1999 to fully fund OASI only.

You are wrong again. The $10 trillion is the unfunded liability OVER THE NEXT 75 YEARS. It would only take a tax increase of 1.5% of current payroll to eliminate it. We don't have to raise it all in 1 year! I am not advocating such an increase, only pointing out that a future unfunded liablility does NOT require all the money to be raised immediately.

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