Irrelevant Planning
- Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 12:07:42 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "William D. Grazier" <>
- Subject: Irrelevant Planning
This too will pass, sooner than you think. Studies indicate that
within the next 30 years we will be enticing people to retire with
increased benefits because there won't be enough jobs for every
one; just like it happened in the beginning of Social Security.
We will be asking women to stay home to take care of the kids and
offering them adequate survivor and retirement benefits separate
from their spouses. Increased productivity by advancing technology
will impel this scenario.
We are talking about facing the challenge of the 21st Century and
all I hear is irrelevant discussion of 20th Century rehash. I suggest
we call this current discussion a complete loss and start anew.