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RE: The Big Picture

You state Social Security is one of the most successful program. I would hate to see one that was not successfull. If Social Security is so successfull, then why are we having this discussion. A successful program would not rob one generation to pay another.

A successful program would not put six times as many children into poverty to help the elderly.

A successful program would not have an unfunded liability of $10 Trillion.

A successful program would be saving either in a government account or private account enough to fund future retirees. Instead of saving 2/3 of the revenues today, it spends 99.5% of revenues. The income generate from the fund should fund todays retirees while the OASI tax revenues should be saved for future generations. Social Secuirty has it just backwards.

A successfull program would not have allowed benefits to be paid which are more than 50% greater than any actuarial program would predict.

A successfull program would have started with an 8% payroll tax instead of 2%.

Take a look at the analyis of what those born between 1917 adn 1932 paid are getting back. How many workers today would love to have half theif OASI tax to save!

Social Secuirty is no where near being a successful program unless the reasons for it were to:
Give us all a number so we could be identified. We can not even drive, get on a plane, ger married, attend school, open a bank account, buy stock, sell property without a social security number. Seems I read some place in an old book about just such a number. Could this be it?

Rob us of our future wages and make government larger.

Bankrup America

Create a $5.4 Trillion debt by squeezing out federal income taxes.

and the list continues.

I guess it depends on what side of Social Secuirty you are on as to weather it is successfull. If you are retired its great, if you are a worker, it is a scam.

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