Question for Panelists: What is the more important issue?
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 07:41:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Walter Hart <>
Subject: Question for Panelists: What is the more important issue?
I have the following questions for the panelists:
1. With respect to Social Security reform, which do you see as more important (1) the accounting issue of how to extend the life of the Social Security system (i.e., "saving the System" or "making sure that the system will pay full benefits in 2034"); or (2) the economic issue of how to maintain (improve) standards of living in the United States in the face of a declining worker/retiree ratio (i.e., improving worker productivity)?
2. Doesn't the nature of the debate and the reform we choose to implement depend upon which issue is seen as more important?