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Re: Final week of the National Dialogue

Since I am very new at this Dialogue, I have not had a chance to

I am 76 years old, a professional paralegal, and anything concerning
Social Security is very close to my heart.  I live almost entirely
on Social Security, for at this time in my life, my IRA savings
have almost been used up.  I live in a retirement home, and my
entire Social Security goes to the home for rent and food.  Needless
to say, continuation of Social Security is my very bread and butter,
so count on me when things begin to get hot again in the fall.
Our residents are mostly in their nineties, and I am the only
resident with a computer, for my law firm had me trained through
the years since 1983.  The first IBM computers came out in the
early eighties, and I was trained in word perfect early on.  I have
a brand new computer now, and will make good use of it in the
future, for, knock on wood, it is fast and reliable.

Somebody asked about my college degree.  I went to German private
schools, six years of high school and 5 years of college.  There
are no BAs or Masters in our system.  I finished all my schooling
with high honors, and my last test results are all they give you
as credentials in a German private school.  Naturally, a doctor or
lawyer gets a decree, but they also continue their schooling for
additional years.  So in answer to your question what my college
decree is, I have none, I only have final results and final marks
of all classes I attended.   I am not a lawyer, just a paralegal,
with 50 years of experience in New York law offices.  As mentioned,
a college decree is only obtained by a lawyer or doctor or philosopher
or Clergy.  I spoke 3 languages fluently in my youth, and that was
in high school, which is something no American student can claim.
We learned more in High School than they teach here in any college.
No bragging, just a commentary.    You got my full support, however,
degree or no degree.

Margot Schecker

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