I don't want to seem as though I am jumping on the Ridgeway bandwagon, but I am totally in support of your request for objective reporting. Many of my posts were summarized to the effect that I want the government to do nothing, full stop. This is not the case, and I think my posts show the logical reasoning for my position, while the summary misses the point completely.
Ms. Brandon paints me as some irrational anarchist, while she spells my name wrong. It is MARWAN, not marvin. My posts, which add a rational and important viewpoint to this discussion, will be dismissed as trival ravings due to my unjust summary.
I don't want to sound like a cynical GenXer, but I know that my efforts are for naught; however, when I die, I will know that I fought the good fight. My thanks to Messrs. Arsinow, Arnold, Larsen, et al. and to Ridgeway.
Bless the United States of America and the original principals for which it stands.