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SS, MORE than retirement

SS is more than retirement.
It covers what "private insurance" deems un-profitable. Before MA,
insurance companies insured the elderly. Finding this "un-profitable"
the ins co. lobbied for MA and there-by no longer had to pay as
much elderly health expence. They are making money!

SS covers severe birth defects, which few ins. companies do. SS
covers permanant disability, insurance which few people have, or
could afford. Starting out, with few resources, our young people
have at least a basic "Security" if they become disabled and can't
provide for their family, and their children. Originally, with a
growing population, the excess money was "used" by the federal
Government, at little cost. Now, if the Government would only pay
the same interest to SS as it pays for T-bills, we would likely
have plenty of money. Bruce

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