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RE: Privatization?! Not for me!

Privatization has the answer for you as well.  Invest in government
or corporate bond funds, or bank CDs.  Still, at 6-7% annual return,
your retirement security and freedom will be greater than under SS.

>>>>>>>>>> Joe Blazenski Wrote:
> I am a pretty bright person (over 140 IQ), have a good income,
> write sophisticated computer software, repair most everything
> in my home and car yet when it comes to the stock
> market (I.E. Privatization or Las Vegas East) I have always lost
> money.  Thousands of dollars.  I do not want to risk my retirement
> money by making choices about something I simply am not good at.
> I don't think the government should place people in the position
> of being forced to be a financial wizard or risk having a less
> than satisfactory retirement income.

Private investment accounts are great for those who win, but
what about the majority of us who have better things to do with
our lives than worry about investments?

A better alternative for "excess" social security money would be
to "invest" in roads and schools and make sure all our children
have college educations so the country will be well equiped to 
produce more than enough goods and services to make everyone
comfortable even with only 2 workers per retired person.

Capital investment takes many forms.  Governments are good at
investing in infrusturcture.  Why not invest in what makes
commerce work so it will work well when we retire?

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