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Investing in Stocks

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Opening statement--investment in stocks, bonds etc

Mr. Reischauer seems to believe that the stock market is a vehicle that runs in only direction--ever upwards. This is as flase a posture as I have ever heard. No one ALWAYS makes money in the market--and I'm not only talking about the BIG Crash of 1929! How about the stocks that spiral downward in an up market.

Then there is the matter of governments role in keeping companies from pushing competition out of the marketplace? What would the Justice department do with their anit-monopoly litigation if they were invested heavily or not in a company that is so accused?? When people assume office they are compelled to put their holdings into a blind trust. What kind of blind trust could the government devise?

Then too, let us not forget the plight of Orange County, CA.
They invested their money using a well known brokerage house and lost, lost, lost. Lightening can't strike twice? Well, I have a bridge for sale here in Brooklyn if you believe that.

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