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RE: Social Security Works

I must say I agree with Mr. Nadler's comments any extreme change would force a great many people into poverty...however, it seems to me that some of the SS benefits are really being abused...I've seen news reports on children with ADD that received SS disability benefits I believe...I also have heard of people that are over 65 that are allowed additional funds for children in their households that are minors....i.e. grandparents raising their grandchildren receive additional funds from SS for this as high as $1000.00/mo additional...

I have no problem with the SS retirement concept but it seems to me the funds are being used for things other than *retirement*...

There are also a great many *wealthy* people that have more than ample amounts in private retirement sources to support them in retirement, yet these same people are allowed SS retirement benefits as well...

Then if you work and you're over 75 I believe it is, you do not have those amounts deducted from your SS benefits...but if under 75 you do...seems to me if you're working full time you should not be getting social security...and if you have to work to supplement your SS the benefit schedule is askew...

I've also heard that even if you're working full time and may have medical benefits from your employer, you still at age 65 have to jump over to medicare...this seems a bit strange as well...why in the world would you need medicare if you have full medical benefits through an employer....

It's these types of abuses to a *retirement* system that has distorted it from it's original intented purpose...

IMHO...thank you...

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