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The variety of instructional settings, arrangements, and systems that
characterize California public education makes it extremely difficult to design
new educational initiatives intended to benefit students distributed across this
broad range of organizational entities. It is difficult to imagine how
responsible individuals and groups can design, implement, and continuously
improve these new efforts in the absence of valid, reliable information. It is
even more difficult to imagine how these parties might compare the relative
effectiveness of these new initiatives with existing programs, or to identify
programmatic redundancies. Yet, this is exactly the situation in California. On
a daily basis, elected officials, agency heads, school district and campus
academic leaders, professional educators and, most important of all, the
citizens of California are being asked to pass judgment on a bewildering array
of new educational initiatives without the comprehensive, reliable, flexibly
arranged, easily accessible and timely data one needs to exercise informed
For example, no single entity or agency in the State is
responsible for collecting and validating the baseline data needed to forecast
the demand for capital expenditures in PreK-12, adult continuing education, and
postsecondary education. Consequently, the Working Group heard projections that
varied greatly. When the Group asked agency representatives to explain the
differences in their data projections, the Group discovered different databases,
different assumptions, and different methodologies drive California’s
current projections. In addition, there is no single entity responsible for
reconciling these differences. There is minimal forecast analysis of current
data and there is no identified path to provide feedback in future years which
when combined with the forecasting methods of today could drive the development
of more accurate forecasting methods in the future.
A long-range cohesive
system for accurate forecasting and meaningful educational planning should
answer questions such as:
- Are the right things being done?
- What content or curriculum should be available to students to prepare them
for the future?
- What resources are needed to effect this change, including technology?
- What about the academic calendar?
- What infrastructure would be needed to effect this system?
- What steps should be taken to provide for ongoing renewal of the system?
However, one of the driving factors behind this next generation
Master Plan for Education was a basic disagreement at the statewide level on the
sets of needed and available resources, currently and in the future, to
accomplish the State’s educational goals. If an analogy is drawn between
the State’s education system and a manufacturing system, the status of the
manufacturer’s facilities (buildings), tools (educational equipment such
as desks, textbooks, and technology), workforce (educators), and their influence
on the product (educated students) are poorly characterized. For example, early
on in the Joint Committee’s investigations widely divergent views were
presented on the school facility capitalization shortfall over the next 20
The development of a Master Plan for Education, pre-Kindergarten
through University, should support the development of systemic data collection
and planning efforts, and provide the opportunity to:
Identify the data
needed to manage and evaluate the effectiveness of public education system
requirements and produce useful data.
- Ensure there are sufficient facilities that are
- Consolidate existing reporting and other venues to educate teachers and
- Prepare the State to adequately respond to the changing needs of businesses
and the economy, to technological changes, and to changes in public
- Facilitate long-term systemic planning to ensure the educational needs of
students and teachers are being met.
- Make better use of public education funds through informed
- Structure a cohesive system of schools, colleges, and universities that
places a priority on the learner and embraces
Planning and forecasting should allow the
state to best manage its educational system in terms of:
- Student access to teaching and learning opportunities.
- Demand, supply, distribution, and retention of teachers.
- Maintenance, renovation, safety, accessibility, and replacement of physical
- Evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning opportunities throughout
the state.
- Success of students in achieving specific competencies and educational
- Effectiveness and currency of materials used in support of teaching and
- Impact of new policies on any or all of the above.
Coordination, Cooperation, and
- The State should conduct an annual forecast, through a designated entity,
of education trends and needs, including elements critical to state
policy-making and resource allocation.
Data collection efforts must be effectively coordinated,
streamlined, and linked to planning and
Commentary: Currently, the State of California
does not have a centralized or coordinated system for educational forecasting
and long-term planning. As a result, many policy and funding decisions made by
the State are made in a void or made with incomplete information. Although there
are research entities that serve both bodies of the Legislature and the
Governor, they typically respond to isolated requests only on specific topics. A
coordinated approach to forecasting and planning along with a centralized
oversight body is necessary to identify and then mitigate systemic problems,
such as teacher and facility shortages.
To gain the broadest look at data
for public policy decisions, the proposed entity would work closely with the
Governor, Legislature, and a representative cross-section of educational and
public interest groups to identify the types of data required to inform, guide,
monitor, and continuously improve the quality, effectiveness, and responsiveness
of California’s publicly financed schools, colleges, and universities.
Policy-makers, administrators, educators, students, parents, professional
associations, economists, and research organizations are the beneficiaries of
such data when they can make appropriate operational decisions based on the
There is a critical core of forecasting information the State must
regularly collect and examine if it is to make appropriate decisions that impact
the delivery of education in California. At a minimum, the information
summarized in a forecasting report should predict total student demand, capital
facilities and their condition, changes in the educational workforce, changes in
the state’s economic needs for the products of the educational system, and
system performance due to changes (actual or formally proposed) in state or
federal mandated rules, regulations, and policies. With such information, the
assigned entity could make short, intermediate, and long-term forecasting
projections,[8] and it could annually
identify corrections to data projections based on actual, unforeseen events
during the year.
Specific information about the condition of the
educational system could be far-reaching but would identify critical factors
that should influence funding decisions: the condition of facilities in the
state (room-by-room; with condition and capabilities), the full set of learning
resources (such as textbooks, computers, desks) available at each facility along
with a depreciation model for each; a demographic model of the educator
population including geographic availability; and a demographic model of the
learner population including traditional needs (such as K-12 educational
standards), special needs (such as those for individuals with disabilities and
for those learning English as a second language), and workforce needs (including
all forms of adult education). These sets of information form a critical-basis
set for understanding the condition of California’s education
infrastructure, and for being able to forecast the condition of that
infrastructure into the future. Development and financing of this infrastructure
is a years-to-decades problem.[9]
The State’s understanding of the physical state of its existing
educational capital infrastructure is of particular concern. In response to
state queries about the physical state of individual schools, several districts
told the Group that they only send in lists of facilities to be recapitalized
that they believe the State will be able to support. Hence, the State probably
has too optimistic an assessment of the state of all of education
Member comments: Members expressed a concern that they
did not want to create a new bureaucracy.
- The State should develop
all-electronic data collection processes by the year 2005 that would make
minimal demands on school districts while providing sufficient information for
policy decisions.
Commentary: A system of this nature would
have the ability to minimize the collection of duplicative data elements.
Existing reporting requirements should be reviewed and efforts made to
discontinue any unnecessary requirements. Data should continue to be collected
by all educational segments, but collection, analysis, and planning efforts
should be streamlined. Additional data, beyond current reporting requirements,
could be collected based on planning needs, and to assist in assuring continuous
improvement and accountability.
Clear guidelines must be developed to
identify intended uses of the data and preclude breeches in confidentiality and
other unacceptable uses. In addition, the State’s requests for
information should be accompanied by as many prefilled-out data fields as
possible, provide real or near-real-time data checking with historical and/or
comparable perspectives, and in a timely manner provide integrated data sets
back to the districts for their own uses. Whenever possible, integration with
and direct support for federal reporting requirements should be
- The State should develop unique identifiers for critical elements of the
educational system when continuity and cross-correlation of information is
important, particularly (1) students, (2) instructors, and (3)
Unique identifiers would assist
in individual, institutional, and systemic planning
Commentary: Californians are very mobile; and
students frequently move and transfer to new schools. Too often K-12 academic
records are not readily available or lag behind when a student transfers to
another school or postsecondary institution; adult students often have no
academic record when they transfer from one program to another and as a result
often face repetitive requests about past learning experiences. If students had
immediate access to their own academic portfolios, they could be spared
inappropriate placements and easier access to education programs.
and federal reporting requirements typically request data specific to student
progress and outcomes, and these requests can be fulfilled if there a means of
pairing data from one agency with that of another. California and its schools
are becoming more automated, and technology advances will allow student
information to be more centralized with the use of unique identifiers — a
number or code that would connect a student to his or her educational records
— to assist in statewide and nationwide data collection efforts. However,
schools are reluctant to use or distribute Social Security numbers because of
fear of violating state and federal confidentiality laws, and possible
subsequent lawsuits. However, student identifiers could facilitate access
without compromising confidentiality if the unique identification numbers can be
issued without including any personal identifiers. Any statewide system of
student identifiers should start from the work done with the California Student
Information System (CSIS) and ensure that personal information is scrambled and
eliminated from state and federal data collection efforts.
In addition
to student identifiers, teacher identification numbers would assist in
determining supply and demand needs. According to the Commission on Teacher
Credentialing (CTC), the number of credentialed teachers is rising and more
teachers are being employed. There may be enough teachers statewide, but the
problem is they are not teaching in the areas where they are most needed. The
effect on supply and demand in teaching has dramatically changed. The CTC has
found that approximately 78 percent of teachers are still teaching, but it
doesn’t know where, whether they are working part or full-time, or if they
are teaching at primary or secondary schools. When teachers renew their
credentials every five years, there is an opportunity to extract some
information concerning teacher retention, but more frequently reported
information would be useful.
Unique institution identifiers would aid in
monitoring and predicting facility availability and condition, forecasting
future facility needs, and would support the development of portable student