ML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> fair distribution of funding, technology, facilities, services, and equal education opportunities for both male and female students; including students with disabilities, students with limited proficiency in English, and students in high-poverty schools." (Education Week on the Web glossary) "...During the 1970s and 1980s, many state courts found great disparities in base per pupil spending between high and low property-wealth districts. They mandated that these funding disparities be eradicated. In placing districts on a level playing field, the courts often invoked equal protection clauses in state constitutions." (EdSource Online glossary)

The Draft Master Plan states "We have sought to ensure equity within California's education system through recommendations that distribute the resources and opportunities necessary to provide a high quality education to every student, irrespective of his or her circumstances."

Related Issues:

Equity is related to many of the topics in the Master Plan; the links below lead to pages on this site that give more information in selected areas.

See also the Working Group reports, such as:

If your organization has material that would be useful for the online dialogue but is not included in the preceding list, please e-mail a URL to <>.