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RE: Campaign contributions

  • Archived: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 09:16:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 09:25:18 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Joan Johnson <>
  • Subject: RE: Campaign contributions
  • X-topic: Choice 1

I would like to think that our society rises above money. I would like to think that Americans respond to government from a sense of responsibility inherent in democracy. If Americans aren't influenced by money and take responsibility in their government then why are there so many children in this country with no or inadequate health care? Why then do the same issues (tax reform, campaign finance reform, education equity, to name a few) seem never to have resolution?

To be sure these issues are complex. But there is NO movement on them. It is as if discussion solves the problem.

I believe that large donations of money by individuals or groups have an influence on how legislation gets done in America. People who wish to run for any office find financing to be a significant issue. To say that because not all wealthy people who run are elected (Forbes for one) that money therefore is not the issue miss the point. How many qualified individuals because they lack finances never get the opportunity Forbes with his money got? To achieve political equality to at least get on the ballot, America needs to provide a source of funding to equalize the opportunity to run.

I would like to see how American Deomocracy functions without undue influence from money. If there is no change, then by all means let's get spending it again. But if there is a change, with luck we all might see legislation that improves life for the community of Americans.

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