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1st Amendment Vs. Power

  • Archived: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:29:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:59:18 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Kyle Moran <>
  • Subject: 1st Amendment Vs. Power
  • X-topic: Choice 1

Hello Everyone,

I have a couple thoughts I would like to express. First of all, i think we most definetly need a major overhaul of the campaign financing. The main reason I feel this way is because politicians are suppose to represent the people. Our government was created with the idea anyone should be able to run for political office. While it is true that anyone can run for office (that meets the basic requirements), I do not believe without party affiliation and major contributors that any person has a realistic chance to obtain a political seat. Difficult as it may be on a state level, it is even more impossible for a national position. The proof of this is the extremely small number of third party and independant candidates ever elected to a national seat. Further more, how often do you even hear a third party's platform. Unfortunately in America, the land of diversity, you really only have 2 options. Republican or Democrat. There are thousands of issues and parties stick together. This means in American Politics, it's either A or B and no other option. By limiting the huge amount contributions and spending, anyone could have a chance, and a huge variety of opinions and choices would be available.

I know some people scream when this issues surfaces due to 1st amendment rights. While one should be able to give money toi whomever they choose, this really allows for corruption in the political system. Only .11% of the American population gave over $200 to a political party last year. It is in the best interest of all place more regulations. I cannot honestly believe that when I call my senator, and voice my opinion I will be heard as loudly as a donor of $1,000,000. Unfortunately, I do not make enough money to give hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, therefore my voice will be overlooked.

--Kyle Moran

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