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Money gone rampant.

  • Archived: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 21:22:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 22:14:33 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Kyle Moran <>
  • Subject: Money gone rampant.
  • X-topic: Choice 2

Lobbying is a round-about way to buy politicians. I live in Virginia and every year feel the effect of this. We have a large amusement park named King's Dominion that sits on the outskirts of Richmond. Every year public schools in Va start the school year significantly later than every other state. The reason for this is in 1988 King's Dominion had a problem because a large amount of the labor force consisted of high school students. They returned to school before King's Dominion closed except for weekends leaving them severely understaffed. So to remedy the problem, they merely paid millions of dollars in campaign money to politicians all over the state. Come election time, most of the candidates they supported won, and voila, Va schools start extremely late. Now every year my school continues to the very end of June.

This story just goes to show that with enough money, you can get anything done. And this means unjust laws for the rest of the population. We cannot shell out millions of dollars for campaigns.

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