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The jury is still out...

  • Archived: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:41:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 01:22:57 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Dannetta Garcia <>
  • Subject: The jury is still out...
  • X-topic: Introductions

1) How is the role of money in politics causing the problem with the way Americans feel about our politicians and our politics? Ans.: First of all, the reality of life is that even for a young person who is dealing with a monthly allowance, money begins to play a much more important role than when the parent thanked the young person with a smile. Perhaps that never really did the trick, but once you start to give money as a reward for an action, taking it back -- stopping it, is out of the question. That's where we are with money in politics. There was a time when a handshake, smile and talk of true vision was the building block to a successful politician's future. Now if a contribution cannot be made, you may never know what that politician's true vision or dream of the future really is. Most politicians won't even come to a community where there is no personal and/or monetary gain. You see money can be like quicksand -- It pulls you in before you know it, and there is virtually no way out. Money could possible be the downfall of many a politician, unless that politician is willing to recognize this early on -- that this is the American dilemma.

2) What concerns me about money and politics? Ans.: I am concerned that money and the way we handle money as it relates to politicians will never change. For most, Money is power and until that changes neither will the money corruption effect either. Other than a mental mindset change, the only other way for the money game to end is that the American citizen, the average Mr. & Mrs. Jones, stop allowing the politicians to take one dime in contributions from them. Is this a part of the human conditions now? Can the clock be turned back? Will we ever have this under control? The jury is still out.

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