EPA/Endangered Species
- Archived: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 13:01:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 11:50:25 -0400 (EDT)
- From: ml <mylad9@hotmail.com>
- Subject: EPA/Endangered Species
- X-topic: States/Tribes/Municipalities
I have seen the EPA at work especially when it comes to endangered species. The final outcome has always been the same - the endangered species are human not animal, mammal, fish, or fowl, winged, two or four legged, one-eyed or anything else ALWAYS HUMAN. Humans are the targets - all of this is in accordance to AGENDA 21 of the U.N. Our "paid public servants" have been our "paid public masters" for at least 3 decades I can swear too. After years and years of watching, reading, studying, I have come to the conclusion - you want to stop the insanity -GET REGISTERED - GET OUT AND VOTE AT ALL LEVELS - AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - DO NOT VOTE FOR A DEMOCRAT OR A REPUBLICAN. If you do - then do not complain when you get what you voted for - SURE you thought it would control the other guy - guess what - YOU are the other guy.