RE: Risk Reduction
- Archived: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:08:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 09:02:39 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Chuck Raymond <>
- Subject: RE: Risk Reduction
- X-topic: Local Issues/Superfund
Don't risk reduction and risk-based corrective actions go hand in hand, as opposed to having to choose one over the other, as I seem to sense that you are suggesting? By reducing risk exposure by something such as paving over minor soil contamination, are you not also performing a risk-based corrective action (RBCA)? In an ideal world, you would not pave the area, you would either dig it up or clean it up in place via soil vapor extraction or some other method. But using RBCA, you are also reducing or eliminating exposure at the same time.