RE: Ways EPA can partner with local government?
- Archived: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:30:00 -0400 (EDT)
- Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:22:24 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Michael Glaab <>
- Subject: RE: Ways EPA can partner with local government?
- X-topic: Local Issues/Superfund
Hello :
The following is a list of some conflict resolution requirements which were synergistically developed / "brainstormed" by a RAB on which I serve:
1. That it be determined who is responsible for the delay in the environmental remediation process.
2. That the lines of authority and responsibility be clearly defined and, if necessary, adjusted to guarantee an acceptable resolution of this dispute.
3. That absent an immediate and acceptable conclusion of this dispute, that a realistic resolution process be established which is clearly defined and which is regulated by a time schedule.
4. That the time schedule of the resolution process be reasonable but that it not be indefinite and open-ended. It must conform to a structure of mandatory deadlines.
5. That the resolution process have appropriate but reasonable coercive powers such that the adherence of all of the relevant parties to this dispute can be assured.
6. That the RAB be kept informed of the progress, or lack thereof, of the aforementioned resolution process.
The above was the result of a collaborative process within the RAB. Improve on it and refine it.